

631 produtos

Mostrando 1 - 48 de 631 produtos

Mostrando 1 - 48 de 631 produtos
1/2W 1% Mini Size Metal Film Resistor Pack 300pcs
1/4 Watt Carbon Film Resistors 300pcs
10 Pieces PLA Filament (To Suit TL4253 3D Printing Pen)10 Pieces PLA Filament (To Suit TL4253 3D Printing Pen)
10/100/1000Mbps Switch Hub with Power Supply Unit10/100/1000Mbps Switch Hub with Power Supply Unit
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15A Cigarette Socket to 8mm Eye Terminal (Red and Black)
16-Way Flat Ribbon Cable Suppression Sleeves 2pcs
1800 Lumen 3in 20W LED Work Light 9-32V Pair
Jaycar 1800 lúmen 3in 20w LED LUZ LUZ 9-32V PAR
Preço de vendaR$ 362,99
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1:10 Scale 80km/h High Speed R/C Truggy1:10 Scale 80km/h High Speed R/C Truggy
Jaycar 1:10 escala 80 km/h de alta velocidade R/C Truggy
Preço de vendaR$ 2.884,99
Em ordem de espera
1:16 Scale R/C Car with 1080p Camera & VR Goggles1:16 Scale R/C Car with 1080p Camera & VR Goggles
1N914/1N4148 Economical Diode (Pack of 100)
Jaycar 1N914/1N4148 Diodo econômico (pacote de 100)
Preço de vendaR$ 53,99
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2 Pin Mains Plug to IEC C7 Socket (5m)
Jaycar Plugue de 2 pinos para o soquete IEC C7 (5m)
Preço de vendaR$ 83,99
2 Socket USB 2.0 Type-A Adaptor
Jaycar 2 soquete USB 2.0 Tipo-A adaptador
Preço de vendaR$ 63,99
Em estoque
2-Way Remote Control Relay Controller Board 12V2-Way Remote Control Relay Controller Board 12V
2-Way Splitter Cigarette Adaptor with USB Ports (12V)2-Way Splitter Cigarette Adaptor with USB Ports (12V)
Jaycar Adaptador de cigarro de 2 vias com portas USB (12V)
Preço de vendaR$ 150,99
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240V 32 ABP Connectors 10pcs
Jaycar 240V 32 conectores ABP 10pcs
Preço de vendaR$ 83,99
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25% Silver Heatsink Compound 1.5g
2:1 Heatshrink Tubing 5m (Black)2:1 Heatshrink Tubing 5m (Black)
Jaycar 2: 1 Tubulação de penhor de calor 5m (preto)
Preço de vendaDe R$ 36,99
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2:1 Heatshrink Tubing 5m (Red)2:1 Heatshrink Tubing 5m (Red)
Jaycar 2: 1 Tubulação de penhor de calor 5m (vermelho)
Preço de vendaDe R$ 36,99
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3 Pin Chassis Female Cannon Type Connector (Small)
Em ordem de espera
3 Pin Chassis Female Metal Cannon Type Connector
3 Pin Mains Plug to IEC C13 Female
3 Pin Plastic Chassis Female Cannon Type Connector
3 Pin Right Angle Cannon Type Connector
Jaycar Conector de canhão de ângulo reto de 3 pinos
Preço de vendaR$ 90,99
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3 Pin Small Size Chassis Male Cannon Type Connector
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3 Pin USA Plug to IEC Socket Black (1.8m)
Jaycar 3 pin USA Plug para soquete IEC Black (1,8m)
Preço de vendaR$ 120,99
3 Pin XLR Plug to 3 Pin XLR Plug Adaptor
3 Pin XLR Socket to 3 Pin XLR Socket Adaptor
3 Pin XLR Type Plug to RCA Socket Adaptor
3 Pin XLR Type Socket to RCA Plug Adaptor
3 Seconds Super Glue (3g)
Jaycar 3 segundos super cola (3g)
Preço de vendaR$ 33,99
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30W Ultrasonic Cleaner 400mL30W Ultrasonic Cleaner 400mL
Jaycar Limpador ultrassônico de 30W 400ml
Preço de vendaR$ 308,99
32-Way Wire Wrap Pin IC Socket Strip
Jaycar Tira de soquete de pino de arame de 32 vias
Preço de vendaR$ 39,99
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3D Polylactic Acid Filament 250g Roll 1.75mm3D Polylactic Acid Filament 250g Roll 1.75mm
4 Pin Line Female XLR Connector
Jaycar Conector XLR feminino da linha de 4 pinos
Preço de vendaR$ 106,99
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4 Pin Line Male XLR Stype Connector
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4 Pin US Type Telephone Plugs for Stranded Cable
4 Wire Battery Terminal4 Wire Battery Terminal
Jaycar Terminal de bateria de 4 fios
Preço de vendaR$ 137,99
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4-Channel Relay Module Wireless Transmitter
4-Way Phenolic Socket4-Way Phenolic Socket
Jaycar Soquete fenólico de 4 vias
Preço de vendaR$ 33,99
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5AG Inline Fuse Holder 60A 32VDC
Jaycar 5AG portador de fusível embutido 60A 32VDC
Preço de vendaR$ 90,99
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5MP USB Web Camera5MP USB Web Camera
Jaycar Câmera web USB de 5MP
Preço de vendaR$ 604,99
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6-Way Mains Powerboard White (240V)6-Way Mains Powerboard White (240V)
Jaycar Mains Powerboard de 6 vias branco (240V)
Preço de vendaR$ 53,99
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605 to 610/RJ12 Telephone Double Adaptor Plug605 to 610/RJ12 Telephone Double Adaptor Plug
Jaycar 605 a 610/RJ12 Plugue de adaptador duplo
Preço de vendaR$ 33,99
6P/4C US Modular Inline Coupler Socket to Socket
7 Pin Female to Female SATA Cable7 Pin Female to Female SATA Cable
Jaycar 7 pin feminino para fêmea SATA CABO
Preço de vendaDe R$ 46,99
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70W Ultrasonic Cleaner 1800mL70W Ultrasonic Cleaner 1800mL
Jaycar Limpador ultrassônico de 70w 1800ml
Preço de vendaR$ 1.135,99
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8 Pin US Type Telephone Plug for Solid Core Cable
8 Pin US Type Telephone Plugs for Stranded Cable8 Pin US Type Telephone Plugs for Stranded Cable
Jaycar 8 pinos usam plugues telefônicos para cabo preso
Preço de vendaDe R$ 46,99
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