It is that time of year when people start to think about what they should buy for the people on their Christmas list. One thing many people neglect, though, is their brothers. So why don't you put in a little bit of extra effort this year and make something for them? From homemade gift cards to personalized clothes, there are so many options to choose from. So here's our top 10 list of DIY Christmas gift ideas For Brother!
DIY Gifts for Your Birthday

Homemade Gift Cards
If your brother loves his gadgets (or anything else really), then why not make him an awesome handmade gift card out of cardboard with some pictures glued onto it? You can also write a message inside or draw some funny pictures and decorate it to make it look even better. This gift will bring a smile to his face, especially if he's not expecting anything like this at all.
Some Extra Help
Does your brother always forget things? How about making him some labels and stickers he can use on his study books, so he never has to worry about losing them again. These can be made out of pretty much any material and contain a message or picture that's important to you, your brother (or maybe even both of you).
Cute Bags
Does your brother have some expensive stuff on his Christmas list? If so, then why not make him this awesome custom bag to keep all of his gifts in? This could be great if he's moving into a new apartment/house and needs somewhere to store everything.
DVD Coasters
Does your brother love watching movies? Maybe you can make him some coasters out of old DVDs so he can still watch them without having to worry about ruining the carpet or furniture. You can get creative and design them in any way you want, maybe even use a picture of the two of you sitting on the couch watching a movie together!
Homemade Scratch Off Cards
If your brother likes to gamble or wants to put something special like a name in a lotto/lottery scratch-off card, these are great. They'll love the fact you put in so much effort to make them something unique that they can use again and again.
Personalized Frames
Everyone has photographs from their past that they treasure – if your brother is the same, then why not make him a frame to have all of his best memories on display in one place? You'll be able to look back at them together while you reminisce about everything that happened.
Personalized T-Shirts
If your brother loves music, movies, video games etc., then why not make him a custom t-shirt using some of his favourite things on it? All you need to do is go online and find an image he'd like on one of the websites that offer this kind of service.
Takeout Boxes
Does your brother hate wasting his food? If so, then you can make him some customized takeout boxes and fill them with the rest of his Christmas dinner – this way, he'll always be able to store it for later.
Full Face Mouse Pad
Do you have a brother that likes computers more than anything else? Why not surprise him with a custom mouse pad shaped like his face and has a picture of him on it as well!